Monday, April 25, 2011

Soulja Boy to try and fill Tupac's Shoes

Okay… I thought I have heard it all….. UNTIL NOW!

My boy back home recently informed me of something that made me realize one of two things….

Either I am getting old, or the world is just getting plain dumber.

Of course, I must agree with the latter because I am beginning to realize that many people do not understand a major philosophy when it comes to an item that has garnered the description of a classic…  

It should be left alone.  

So if people are going to accept the fact that SOULJA BOY is planning to remake arguably one of the best street films of all time, the entertainment industry should roll over and die. PERIOD.  Not only does he plan to remake the movie Juice, he also plans to play the role of BISHOP…. Yes the very same role that Tupac played and ripped apart on the big screen. 

Oh you must think I am joking or pulling some late April Fools 'ish on you huh… Well peep this interview he had with Vibe magazine

Remember how that movie made people develop a love/hate relationship for Bishop, but a ridiculous love and respect for Tupac at the same time. Anyone who watched the original film remembers this scene like it was yesterday…

That scene almost made you forget you were watching a movie... You could feel the tension between Q (Omar Epps), and Bishop (Tupac) as if you were sitting in the room with them.

Now someone please tell me if you think Soulja Boy can nail that part…. 


…. Anyone?

I didn’t think so. 

So another one of my friends just asked me, what about the old Jordan’s, those are classics that have been remade…

It is obvious that my simple friend has missed the point just as he missed the short bus years ago…. 

 One strong piece of advice for the homie, "Think about it before you Speak about it….".

Would the people get mad if Prince came back on stage to perform Purple Rain? No.
Would the crowd get pissed if Michael Jackson was to perform Pretty Young Thing in concert? No.
Why not??? Because they are the originators bringing the people what they want….

Nike (the originator) brought the classics back for the people to enjoy…
  Now if Pony (a follower) tried to come out with some Jordan’s, well we would have a serious problem!

Just think of Tupac (Originator) as the Nike’s and Soulja Boy (Follower) as the Pony’s and tell me which would you choose?

On the truth....
After all that being said, I can only wish the dude good luck. As I like to see everyone succeed, I would hate to see this marking the end of his career. 

However, this just doesn't seem to be a wise choice.

- Slim

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