Friday, April 8, 2011

Jay Z costs the New Jersey Nets $50,000???

Are you serious? The NBA fined the New Jersey Nets $50,000 because Jay Z decided to congratulate the UK basketball team after their victory over Ohio State in the tournament a couple of weeks ago.  Full story here at

50 stacks….. Really? 

He greeted each player and took photos with them. I’m sure he wasn’t talking draft status or potential contract negotiations. Nevertheless, NBA rules are rules.

So how can someone like Jay Z come up with 50k to hand over to NBA commish David Stern??? I got 5 suggestions for Hov if he is strapped for the cash.  

5 Ways for Jay Z to come up with 50k to pay the NBA

5: Go tell Dame he can come to the 40/40 club this weekend for a 50k cover.


4: Promote a Pay per View Oil Wrestling bout between Rihanna and Beyonce. Then cancel it at the last minute due to an unnamed injury. (I  like that Rihanna pic just as much as the Beyonce pic - I just had to throw it in there)

3: Reach in your pocket and throw it in David Stern’s face. We know you got it, you even told us back in ‘96 that you were still spending money from ’88. You probably feel like pulling a Debo on em, and rather spend other peoples money!

 2: Just take 50k out of Beyonce’s purse. I'm sure she got a few hundred stacks laying around here and there throughout the house .

1: Eff It! Don’t pay him and tell him to come get the money his own damn self if he is bad enough.  Then if he shows up, slap him across the face like Rick James slapped Charlie Murphy! Oh just in case you forgot how that went down... well just look below and refresh your memory.... 

Ahhhhh all jokes aside,  we all know that Jay is gonna be alright… but just in case you don’t know, allow him to reintroduce himself….

- Slim

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