Monday, March 7, 2011

WEEKEND WRAP - 3/7/11 Edition

So what went down this weekend….
  • This Weekend's Cry Baby Status goes to the Miami Heat after losing to the Chicago Bulls 87-86 Sunday night, and when I say cry-baby status, I mean cry-baby status.

    How can the coach go on camera and tell that a few of the Heat players were in tears after the loss. Now, I will admit that it does feel good to hear that NBA players are emotional after losses in the regular season and not just the playoffs, but Man Law states that one man doesn't broadcast whats going on in the locker room, nevertheless tell that another man was crying about ANYTHING!!!!

    But with all of that being said, it was D-Wade’s post game comment that stole the show.
    "The Miami Heat are exactly what everyone wanted, losing games," Wade said. "The world is better now because the Heat is losing." said Wade via the Associated Press.

    This comment sent me to “DMDAROTFLHAMKSIF” status. Oh, that would be "Drop My Drink and Roll on the Floor Laughing Hysterically as my Kids Stare in Fear" status.  Is this coming from one of the Miami 3 that were posing and fronting on stage like Run DMC and Aerosmith?

    Or did this come from one of the three that look like a ghetto-ass version of the Holy Trinity??? 

    Are you really surprised that people outside of the Miami Heat faithful want you to lose games? 4 losses won’t kill a season, but the more you talk like that, the more people will want to see the Heat get drilled on a consistent basis. I just hope they don't actually implode simply because I like D-Wade's game and LeBron is a beast. But the last time the world came to a stand-still for something this big was St. Ides introduction of their Special Brew line of fruit flavored malt liquor.  I mean whats not to like about 40 ounces of smooth cherry flavored malt liquor???
    Even 2Pac and Snoop was down with this when it hit the stores.

    However, that nasty mess seemed to fall off the face of the earth soon after it was released as it left an after taste that would make Bilal's breath from House Party smell minty fresh. Let's just hope the Heat don't reach "Special-Brew-
    Bilal-Breath" status....

  • This Weekend's Definition of Gangsta: The AP reported that In India, an angry mob of fired workers found one of their former senior executives, trapped him in his car, doused it with gasoline, and set the car on fire killing him. To show that they actually thought this through and have a conscious, they allowed two passengers to escape the vehicle before killing the executive.  Now I have seen some individuals highly upset after being fired, but to set someone on fire for it…… I need to channel @MrEdLover and get a C’monSon!!! Now that’s Gangsta.

    By the way, you need to check out Cmonsonline and follow Ed @MrEdLover on Twitter - classic.

  • This Weekend’s Strangest Trending Item: #Hennessey and Apple Juice. Really Henn and Apple Juice? I was introduced to Henn in Nashville as a freshman in college, and it could only be consumed two ways… Straight up in a sniffer… or Straight up out the bottle (I preferred gripping my own bottle.) Now it’s being mixed with apple juice??? If that’s the case, these babies may as well put on a bib and snack on some Gerber while they’re at it.  Hell next it will be mixed with Tahitian Treat.

    Don't act like you don't know what Tahitian Treat is. Every corner store had this for 99 cents!!!   

  • This Weekend's Realest Trending Item: #manlawmondays - Simply the best topic to start your week. I will say there have been interesting laws put into play recently. 

    My Man Law Monday contribution.... will be Man Law# 382 - NO FORM OF CONTACT IN PUBLIC RESTROOMS... DAPS, POUNDS, PATS ON THE BACK, CONGRATULATORY HANDSHAKES, etc. can wait until all zippers are zipped, hands are washed (WITH SOAP) and dried, and everyone has made their way back into the hallway.  #MANLAWCERTIFIED 

    Women would be (or probably wouldn't be) surprised at how many men shake it, zip it, and walk straight out of the bathroom. However, i feel that they are not worse than those men who shake, zip, then run water over their hands and shake them off before walking out the door. What, is each of the 13 soap dispensers around the sinks broken????  Lazy or just Nasty... neither have any place in a public restroom.
As we put the wrap on this past weekend, I will leave you with some sound advice.... KEEP YOUR @SSES at Home. With gas going to about $11.50 a gallon, it would be wise to pass up driving anywhere unless you are like this guy:

Oh, you say you were getting ready to plan for a date, just take it back to 85 when you and your girl would just sit on the phone for 6 hours listening to each other breathe while occasionally saying "You there?" 

Who needs Clark Howard??? I just saved you Movies, Gas, Dinner, and Drink money... now you can use the money to pay that old Sprint bill you forgot about that has been haunting your credit for about 10 years now.

It seemed like everybody used to have this Sprint phone in their pocket or purse at one point in their life.


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